Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who's In? Next Writing Campaign

With the overall response from the White House - when I participated in the telephone conference with Biden's Middle Class Task Force - it is clear that they are expanding IBR and trying to focus their attention on recent grads. That's perfectly fine, but I am more than convinced that they are being pressured by countless groups to not respond to the indentured educated class who are (a) older and (b) drowning in private student loan debt.

So, I want to launch a new writing campaign, and need as many volunteers to send the White House a strong message from student loan debtors.

If you are interested in joining us in this writing campaign, please email me at

I am currently in Tennessee and have limited access to my computer today (traveling to Nashville), but will be drafting a letter after Obama's State of the Union Address.

Thanks so much again for all of your efforts. We are being heard and by the White House . . . that's real progress, friends.

1 comment:

Delver said...

Cryn...if you're traveling near Memphis, why not storm this guy's office: Rep. Steve Cohen, The Clifford Davis/Odell Horton Federal Building, 167 North Main Street, Suite 369, Memphis, TN 38103, Phone: (901) 544-4131. You attended his hearing, which he held amid much fanfare and a promise to immediately introduce legislation that would restore bankruptcy rights to private student loan borrowers. Then nothing. Not a word. His office won't return calls, and unless you are a Tennessee constituent, they don't give callers the time of day. Perhaps the letter writing campaign should be directed at him. The usual advocates (TICAS, PIRG, etc.) don't have a clue what's up either. Alan Collinge posted somewhere recently about how weak these advocacy groups are, and when you look at the mountain of anti-student borrower legislation that has become law on their watch, it's astounding that full time, salaried advocates have done such a poor job. You, however, as a volunteer, not earning a dime from the borrowers you so eloquently represent, seem to have the capacity to motivate people to take a look at these issues. I can't even imagine what miracles you could produce with a steady paycheck on the order of Deanne Loonin or Lauren Asher's salary.