Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Quick post: Revisiting the reasons why the College Board is not a reliable source

If you read an article that refers to the College Board and their numbers, don't buy it. It's a bunch of hooey.
Thanks to No Sucker Left Behind, I was inspired to write this post.

Let's dig up some oldies but goodies about the College Board. Back in the summer when I was still affiliated with a forgive student loan debt movement, I got into it with individuals there - Patricia Steele and Sandra Baum. I encourage you to read these pieces and share 'em with others.

- Breaking News Part I: My Debate with Patricia Steele and Sandy Baum
- Breaking News Part II: The College Board USED to be a LENDER
- And yet another posting about the College Board

This part of the machine is bent on providing misinformation that reporters readily swallow and spit back up - it provides for tepid readings on an enormous lending crisis that's already burst.


John Andersen said...

The great news for young people is the future employment landscape --most people will not have traditional employment with big companies, but will perform necessary services such as vegetable gardening in neighborhoods and local communities-- will be infinitely more about what you know and what you can do than what big name school is on your resume.

This even more removes the "need" to go into debt to get a degree. Young people are now free to not take on debt, and to actually get an education rather than a degree.

We just need to be ever vigilant about spotting the misinformation in the news like you point out above. That is so we can keep focused on the new much better reality.

Cryn Johannsen said...

I like your take on this situation and appreciate the comments. That's a pretty hopeful interpretation, and I like the fact that you state that people can actually pursue an education rather than obtaining an education for training reasons and the job market.

However, we should also be mindful that there are millions of people drowning in student loan debt, and I am most concerned about them. So, here's what I say:

1) The Obama Administration needs to act swiftly and help those who are drowning in student loan debt

2) Unless things are radically reformed I think we should go on a campaign across this country, and tell people that going to school isn't worth it - I'm serious.