Good job, occupiers and culture jammers! As most of you know,
Romney's comment in an interview with CNN about "not being concerned about the very poor" has gone viral. But here's what I picked up, and I am sure I'm not alone . . . after he said he wasn't worried about the very poor and the very rich, he emphasized
this: "I'm concerned about the
very heart of America, the 99-95% of Americans who are really struggling."
Sooo, it's not just the Dems who are using OWS's rhetoric, it's the frontrunner for the GOP! (And I have
no idea what he means when he claims there is a
safety net for the very poor. Wrong.
Ganz wrong. Methinks he doesn't realize that most of us who used to be part of the middle class are poor - or very poor - and hence
part of the 99%).

"Hey poory, you're fine! I'm not concerned you or my rich peeps! So, move along!"
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