Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Campaign for Free College Tuition's Email Regarding My Publication - "A New Paradigm: Solving the Crisis"

The Campaign for Free College Tuition (CFCT) sent out an email earlier today to their followers about the fact that whether or not you're Republican or Democrat, or anything else for that matter, it is clear we agree on something key about higher education: the student loan crisis is out of control.

In this note, my book was mentioned, too, as the President of CFCT, Morley Winograd, recently wrote a 5-star review about it on Amazon.com. 

Here's the full email below:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result” – Albert Einstein

We are tired of a system that continues to do the same thing while expecting a different result. Regardless of your political affiliation, your president candidate of choice, your age, and where and when you went to college, record student debt – averaging $37,173 for 2016 college graduates – demonstrates that our current education finance model is unsustainable. We need to do something different, we need a solution, we need free college now!

A recently released study by University of Illinois Professor Min Zhan found that individuals with student debt – both college graduates and drop-outs alike – had a lower net worth, fewer financial and nonfinancial assets, and homes with lower market values when they reached age 30 than those who graduated without debt.  She indicated that these findings suggest "that in addition to negatively impacting young people in the short term, education loans may also compromise their financial well-being over the longer term."

Cryn Johannsen, a member of CFCT’s Advisory Committee and the author of Solving the Student Loan Crisis, similarly reports that “there are also vast numbers of young adults with student loan debt who cannot become productive citizens in our economy because they are barely getting by each month as they pay off their student loans.”  Her newly released book is a must read and, according to CFCT President Morley Winograd in a review on Amazon.com, “tells you everything you always wanted to know about the nation’s student debt crisis but were afraid to ask. By combining personal poignant stories on the impact of student debt, including in the author's own life, with the cold hard truths of how this crisis came about, Cryn Johannsen has delivered a devastating indictment of our current system of financing higher education. This book makes it clear that only a complete transformation of how we pay for higher education in the U.S. can fix a very broken system and save the next generation of Americans from the scourge of student debt.”

It is obvious that we need a new paradigm. We need free college tuition and we need your help to make it happen. Even from home you can make a difference by liking us on facebook, following us on twitter, and continuing to spread the message of free college tuition. Together we will.   Sincerely,

Norma Orozco
Campaign Director
Campaign for Free College Tuition
I'm greatly appreciative of Morley's endorsement, as well as the work that CFCT is doing on behalf of prospective and current students, and I wanted to share this information with all of you here. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay, now I really need to buy your book!! Haha!

