Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What do you think about Sec. Arne Duncan?

I have a lot of opinions about Sec. Arne Duncan, which I will share in my forthcoming book. I would like to know what you think about him.

Hope you'll share!



  1. Strangely, though a teacher for the whole of Duncan's tenure at Ed, I don't have strong opinions about him, other than that he is one face of a "reform" movement that I'm coming to think is nothing more than cosmetics and kangaroo-court finger-pointing. (Michele Rhee, not Duncan, is the target of my actual ire, followed to a lesser degree by Bill Gates).

    I can say that I don't hold him in high regard (nor Obama on ed issues, for that matter). I can't see that Duncan has an abiding philosophy about public education or the purpose of education - and educators - in general.

    Sorry, not much to go on here, but maybe if I see others reply, I will be prodded into more substantive thought and can share that.

  2. The guy is a tool of the establishment. How do you think he got his position?


    Check out Duncan's speech to the influential Council on Foreign Relations, where he talks about the role of "education" for vague "jobs of the future." For $ome rea$on, he "forgot" to mention that most new jobs in the U.S. are low-wage and unstable.

  3. There are no faces behind this particular problem, which will be neatly dealt with as a series of changes buried within legislation over much time.

    So pointing out any politician and asking such questions is not worth the effort IMHO.

    Long history has proved that the student loan issue, while real, is anomalous and problematic and so much dirty laundry and will be dealt with in the same way other problematic, past political issues have been dealt with.

    Seamlessly in other words, and to reiterate: buried in a progression of legislation going forward.

    What else can a congress do?

    The Applebaum or Collinge approaches would incite screams of protest from the people that have paid their SL debt off.

    See what I mean?

  4. Struggling to meet that word count Cryn? Looking for quotes?

  5. Not impressed. Obama's education policy has been dismal. We've seen the explosion of "reform" education policies which includes unproven "public" charter schools, punitive teacher evaluations, and decreasing resources and funding for public schools.

    At the higher/alternative education level, we've seen a saturation of shifty for-profit institutions who've shown little to no proof that their methods work, along w/ even less job placement. And to complete this picture it saddles people w/ HUGE debts.

    There's also something to be said about workers' rights and the Obama Administration's almost non-existent support of the teacher's union, along w/ all the unnecessary punitive evaluative policies states have enacted.

    In short, Obama's education policy has ensured that the inequities Americans currently face will only be exacerbated by a weakened public education system: those who have the most advantages will have even more, while those w/ less will find less options, opportunities, much less reasons for pursuing a robust education.
