Wednesday, November 14, 2012

B-Day Wish

Thanks to so many of you who have already wished me a happy birthday (it's tomorrow). On top of that, AEM recently turned 2! Help my birthday wish come true and throw in a few dollars to help me get back to DC and speak on behalf of the indentured educated class. The time is now! Things have changed on the Hill, and we must begin lobbying harder than ever before. Every dollar counts.

So, no surprise, you wanna know what my my birthday wish is? Raise money to get me back to DC, walking the musty halls, with all that peeling paint and all those super bored, yet friendly guardsmen, to speak with Congressional leaders about ways in which to solve the student lending crisis. Golly! I already told you that, didn't I? Oh well, a birthday girl forgets after she's hoped for some birthday presents.

But waita minute. Just wait one minute. What the heck am I talkin' about? I don't wish to speak with our leaders, but rather list out all the plans I have to actually solve the problem. I got 'em, folks. I do!

Truth be told, AEM is struggling to stay afloat, so your donation - whatever amount it may be - will help it survive.

 Donate today!

Founder and Exec. Dir.
All Education Matters

"Who the hell would put such an ugly doll on my cake? I wanted donations for the indentured educated class!"


  1. Cryn,

    Would you be willing to stay in someone's home/apartment in the D.C. area? It might help to save money. I just had to move out of my apartment but if I am able to get another one soon, I will E-mail you. I'd be more than happy to have you as a guest (I am female, not a scary man!). Heck, I'd head to The Hill with you if you needed me to.

    Good luck with everything and have a nice birthday. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all that you're doing for us.

  2. Happy Birthday and I hope that you have many more.

    As for this blog: I hope it doesn't need many more birthdays, and that you can use your talents for other things!

  3. Happy Birthday, Cryn. I hope you have many more.

    As for the blog: I hope that many more won't be necessary!
