Sunday, December 4, 2011

Quick Thanks: Your Remarks Regarding My Interview On The Brian Lehrer Show

I am glad that I was able to speak about the student lending crisis on The Brian Lehrer Show this past week. I want to publicly thank all of you who complimented my analysis of the situation. Interestingly enough, I almost missed the interview. That morning, I was feeling under the weather, so I slept in (that's not normal for me). However, I happened to check my email and saw that the show had written to me an hour earlier; they urged me to get in touch with them. So, I did just that, and minutes before the discussion about Occupy Student Loan Debt and the issue of loan forgiveness was over.

So, it was good timing. Even though I wasn't feeling well, the conversation was lively and productive. Thanks so much to all of you who took the time to listen!

On a final note, I am really pleased to know that so many more people are getting involved, and insisting that bankruptcy protection rights be reinstated. It is comforting to know that so many of us are fighting for the same things. The 99% are truly coming together, and it's great to focus on the positive aspects of that. I have met so many new, bright, and engaged people because of OWS. I look forward to getting back to NYC in February to deliver a talk at a conference. It will be great to meet those of you who only know me via phone or email.

Keep on fighting, folks!

In solidarity,

P.S.I know quotes can be kinda corny, but this one seemed quite befitting. So here it goes:

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