Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Powerful Image: College Professor Denouncing Student Loan Debt

A reader sent me this image, so I am not sure it was sent to "We are Part of the 99%" Tumblr blog. I think it's safe to assume it was, so that's why I am linking to them again. They have done an outstanding job of offering people a place to share, on a very personal level, what it's like to be part of the 99%. The images have made me cry several times today, as did Barbara Ehrenreich's article in The Progressive.

This is an outstanding testament:

I have spoken to countless professors about my work as a warrior for the indentured educated class. Many of them are my friends, and they are outraged by what's happening to the cost of college. This professor is dead right, and he is not alone in thinking this about higher ed, i.e., how higher education used to be considered a PUBLIC GOOD. We need to get back to that. That's why I support #OccupyWallStreet and #OccupyTogether.


  1. Easy solution: Let's get rid of Federal Student Loans.

  2. Hi, I googled this trying to find it on tumblr so I could reblog it. It's not actually from the "official" We Are the 99% blog. Here is the source: "Fire Walk with Me":

  3. @Dude - thanks for providing the source. I appreciate it. I'll update tomorrow. I'm bushed. It's been a 13 hour day. Gotta recharge!

  4. OK so as a paid professor he can be part of the solution by giving up 50% of his pay to help make tuition cheaper for the 99%, simple

  5. He's a professor at a small university in St. Paul MN. He's my professor. He declined a salary raise, but rather wanted the money to go towards his department.

    Even if he DID take the raise, I know he would be making far less than he deserves.

  6. @Anonymous Oct 18, 2011 - thanks so much for sharing. I'm posting this in response to that highly problematic remark about him.
