Monday, October 17, 2011

Docs About All Education for Occupiers at #OWS protests

A lot of folks have asked me for fliers that describe the work of All Education Matters. I already have a doc that describes the history of AEM, which, by the way, will  turn a year in 1- days - can you believe it? I can't! It's amazing to think that I was in S. Korea when I incorporated. It wouldn't have been possible without your generous donations.

In any event, I have also created another doc. There is also a flier that is called "The Voices of the Indentured Educated Class." This document was created after a long-time supporter and friend of mine, Reid, asked me to draft something that personalizes the crisis. Reid, by the way, is doing amazing, amazing work for #OccupyPortland. He makes me proud to be part of the 99%, and he - like all of you - remind me why I'm struggling to make this non-profit work. It's worth the sacrifice - more than worth it.

So, if you'd like to print off these docs below, please feel free to do so. Spread the word to occupiers. Let them know that they are not alone, and that someone fights for them every day.

Finally, I've received several generous donations today, around $75. Several of those who donated are repeat donors. Could you pitch in, and match their support? It would mean a lot to me and to them. Plus, it will help me get to NYC in early November. Your donations have enabled me to travel and meet with occupiers to discuss this critical issue (I've been to Austin and Tulsa; stay tuned for the OK update - I had an amazing meeting with four dedicated occupiers). As for the donations, one debtor said to me today, "I hope this [the student lending crisis] becomes a central point for the occupy groups." I couldn't agree more, and after speaking to two, ferociously smart young men in Tulsa this past weekend, who are drowning in student loan debt and justifiably enraged, I know AEM is critical and must survive. You are keeping it alive. Even a $1 helps out! So help me spread the word about the indentured educated class, AEM . . . let me represent you, and tell people that they are not alone in this struggle.

Thanks so much for supporting the only non-profit that lobbies Congressional offices on behalf of the indentured educated class.

In solidarity,

Help me  spread the word about AEM at occupies across the nation

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